Registration fee

Registration information


Deadline for registration fee: June 30th 2024


Before May 31st 2024, Early registration

 Students: 10 000 FCFA

 Researchers (Normal participant): 25 000 FCFA

 Industrials: 25 000 FCFA

 Accompanying person *: 5 000 FCFA


June 1st to 30tht 2024 (late registration)

 Students: 15 000 FCFA

 Researchers (Normal participant): 30,000 FCFA

 Industrials: 35 000 FCFA

 Accompanying person *: 8 000 FCFA



  • By bank transfer

            Banking institution: Afriland First Bank

            Account Number: 00001 0013 4461 501-85

            Reason: JCA 2024-name of the participant




After bank transfer payment, please send the proof of the transaction to: or


* An Accompanying person is a person who does not belong to any of the categories Students, Researchers or Industrials. Each participant can have a maximum of one (01) accompanying person.

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